We understand small business.

We can help.
When your small business is just not working
Our first exploratory session is free .. we make it easyThe hardest part in the process …
is making the decision to ask for assistance.
When there is not enough time to fix what's wrong .. give us a call.

and fix them

TechnologyCustomer ExperienceOrganizationalOperations


We can quickly identify

Declining profits a mystery?

Outdated systems, bloated costs, increased competition and employee training and retention are some of the causes of declining profits.

Do you have problems in those areas?

Are all employees aligned?

Small businesses are .. small. They can often be like family or often employees are actually family.  As an independent set of eyes and ears we can be transparent when working to align all employees to your core values and vision.

What is your company’s reputation?

These days you are only as good as your last order. If your reputation has taken some hits or is inconsistent, we can work with you to right the ship.

Are you the problem?

Often times the boss cannot identify why things are not working. Often times it’s the boss. We can work with you to identify if this is the case and set a course of action with 1:1 coaching to get you re-aligned with where you’d like to be.

About Us

  • Limited Engagements

    We are a small firm in the San Francisco Bay Area that generally works with one local client at a time in order to dedicate our efforts full time to resolving your problem.

  • An independent set of eyes

    It is much easier for an independent “set of eyes” to look at your business and identify problem people or weak points that are causing you sleepless nights.

    We come in with no preconceptions or biases that may come from within your company.

  • Transparent

    We don’t tell you what you want to hear. We’ll talk plainly about what we observe are problems, bottlenecks and distractions that are draining your energy and profitability.

  • Outside the Box

    We apply value-based management tools and technology solutions that drive profits.